понеделник, 29 септември 2008

ENO- Day of the Tree

(22 of September)

-Before I made this text, I made a little research about ecology on the internet.

-Actually, the meaning of the word ecology is “home”. That made me thinks about this theme. And I made a little comparation. This world, the whole planet Earth is our home in a wider meaning. We make sure that our room is always clean, tidy just like we love it, with our favorite colors. All with a goal to create a mere comforting atmosphere- to be more comfortable and pleasant place which we spend our time in. The same should be done on we live in- our home of togetherness.

- Modern activities of the main man itself result to destroying the whole atmosphere. Because of this it’s very important that more states should group in order to organize as a stopping of this global industrialization.

- That was our motivation, to follow our global trend, to be involved in this action which is organized by ENO- virtual school from Finland, and till 2017, 100 million trees to be planted.

-Anyway, numbers are not so important, you can say not at all. The main goal of this is everybody to give something, a wish to be born in order to do something useful for this planet, because its one- it’s unique, its our home , doing good for it we help our selves.

-Never doubt that a small group of dedicated good minded people can change the world, actually, we are the only reason that they lead the same through a better path

(Margaret Mid)

- The nation which destroys the soil destroys its self. The forests are the lungs of our world-giving fresh air and energy to our People (Theodore Roosevelt , 26th President of USA)

- We the students of “International High School “from Skopje feel an honor and pleasure that we are apart of this citizen action for a clean and European Macedonia. Although it started yesterday on “ Mala Bogorodica “, we today continue with cleaning and planting trees on our schools surroundings. And we won’t stop here. The Action “Day of the tree “we should use it more often, in order to become our habit, because with one tree planted we create a greener surrounding. When the sun sets, we already should have an initiative to make our world worth living in.

- Our Macedonia is a small country. The nature gave beautiful, rich and exotic mountains, forests, lakes, village- only if it was cleaner and greener-and then it will be a real paradise for us and the next generations. That’s why we should respect the laws of nature, to hear the sounds of our survival and to respect the nature as a perfect place for the human kind. Only that way it will be clean and unpolluted country, as a one peaceful place for living on planet Earth

- Time to take action-To make the world a better place! To celebrate the day of the tree! To plant a tree!

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