петок, 5 декември 2008

sharing in our community

Sharing is very important in a community. There are many different ways in which an individual can share with the others. In my opinion, tree-planting is a wonderful example of sharing, not only in a certain community, but with the entire World. The modern activities of the people result in air-pollution, increased amount of carbon dioxide, global warming, destroying of the ozone - the filter for the ultraviolet rays etc. All of this is contributing to aggravation of the peoples’ health, thus every planted tree should be regarded as a human act.

As a counterweight to the Global industrialization and the decreasing of forest reserves, a citizens’ initiative for afforesting was started. The goal of this action called “Tree day” was to plant two million trees, which is equal to the number of citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. Like I already said, this initiative was started by a group of people with the famous opera singer Boris Trajanov at the head, but soon it became very massive  the action was given an unreserved support by the Government of RM, ZELS (Association of Units of Local Self-government), the European Union, USAID, UNDP and other non-governmental organizations. The necessary financial resources, logistic support and nursery plants were provided by the Government of RM. The response to the call “Plant your future  Plant a tree”, which was broadcasted on all the medias was amazingly massive. Huge groups of people came to the locations anticipated for afforesting. That’s the reason why this action was greeted by numerous countries from the Balkan and Europe.

Following this trend was our motivation as a school to join the afforesting of the country. Our primary goal was to preserve the nature and make Macedonia a cleaner, healthier and more beautiful place to live. On 18th March this year, we were assigned to a location  Miladinovci, near Skopje. There was a large crowd and a lot of trees were planted by the end of the day. We participated with a large share to that. We were very enthusiastic about that whole thing. It’s a great feeling knowing you’re doing a good deed for the society, for the country, for the World and for all the people.

We also carried out an eco-action for planting trees and cleaning the surrounding environment on the 22nd September. Only, this time, the event was International  it had Global proportions. It was initiated by ENO (a virtual school from Finland) and it was carried out in order to plant a hundred million trees by the 2017. This action was, once again, very well accepted by everyone in our community and showed great results.

Forests are the basis of our planet, the major factor of life  fundamental for a healthy and long life. All of the previously mentioned events have already become traditional. The first idea was initiated by the Republic of Macedonia at the beginning of this year and in only several months it was accepted by a great number of countries, in that way taking Balkan proportions.

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